For Dayton in the Present
Chris has been contributing to our town civically since 2019.
Budget Committee:
Chris has been on the budget committee since 2019, being selected as the chair this year. On the board he has been an advocate for keeping Dayton running smoothly while avoiding unnecessary increases to our taxes and has provided recommendations to the voters for the final vote at the Town Meeting.
Recognizing that Dayton is a small, rural, tight-knit community, Chris seeks to limit the tax burden on our friends and neighbors, especially those on a fixed income. As Southern Maine quickly grows and develops, one of Chris' priorities is maintaining the culture that draws people to Dayton, while not short-changing our residents from vital services. It's a difficult balance, but one that Chris seeks to strike as a member of the Budget Committee, and would pursue as Selectman.
Planning Board:
Chris began as an alternate on the planning board in 2019, becoming a full voting member when longtime member Bruce Reynolds stepped down in 2022. This has allowed him to help ensure that subdivisions, businesses, and residents are within the ordinances that voters have enacted.
He has enjoyed getting to meet and help our residents open businesses, build homes with their families, and fulfill other projects in our town.
Engaged Parent at Dayton Consolidated:
With three young children who attend Dayton Consolidated School, Chris is an engaged and enthusiastic part of "Panther Nation." Our small PK-5 school is one of our town's best attributes - helping to build our community from the time our children are four, and instilling in them community and civic pride that lasts them through their transition from childhood to adulthood.
As a supportive Dad of the school, he advocates for the educational needs of his children, supports the needs of our town's children and young adults, and shares the "Panther Pride."